
Hey, everyone! If you want to help end police brutality, but don’t have money to donate, all of the money raised by this song will be in support of Campaign Zero! You get to listen to my friend’s awesome music and support human rights at the same time! How cool is that?


Wattpad suspended @CielElric without saying why.  I’m so done with Wattpad right now. Really thinking about leaving and never coming back. 


@Recycled_Ereri if you go to another platform please let us know.  


@The-Demi-Demigod, so do I. But if Wattpad wants us gone that bad, then they’ll get it. I’m distressed and can’t even think straight. I just want to die. 


@The-Demi-Demigod, so do I. But if Wattpad wants us gone that bad, then they’ll get it. I’m distressed and can’t even think straight. I just want to die. 


Want to help ASC win an award?:
          1. Go to @thefictionawards and click on the story titled, The Fiction Awards 2019 
          2. Go to chapter 2, “Voting - Non-Genre - Open”
          3. Scroll down to the category, “- Best of the Undiscovered”
          4. Go to Assassins’ Srip Club by Keys_to_Kaleidoscope
          5. Make an inline comment (that chapter has instructions on how if you’re confused) that says, “+1”
          6. Spam the comment section, but do not respond to any comments, they won’t count as votes!!!!
          7. Tell your friends!
          8. Don’t give up! Voting ends September 1st at 11:59 PM GMT+0, so bote as often as possible!
          Story/chapter link:


New story out:
          It was just a bet. 
          He was supposed to bed her, show his proof, and then collect his winnings. Parker had a reputation, but nonetheless, he was always able to ensnare his prey and this time, his target was the young, innocent, music nerd that spent more time in the band hall than in the public eye. Her name was Grace Quinlan and she was going to be an easy win, the easiest. 
          Or so he thought.