hello guys,
its me you probably hate me for like keeping you in the dark for 2 whole months but im back. And i have gotta a lot of news. First of all I am so sorry that havent posted like anything. rlly from the bottom of my heart sorry to the hp instagram readers who I have kept on hold for long. :(
And also, there re going to be ton of new updates reading like various stories which i admire has made me think that i should also update and im really guilty that i kept you in the dark for like a while.
there wont really be an update time cause my school has started about a month ago so ive now settled in and kinda you know gotten used to my hectic school life. but i shall try to start to update.
ALSO, a new fanfics is on its way so keep out for that.
its about a book i finished and im obessedzzzzzzzzzzzz with it.
iwont spoil it but i =f you want to read this book you gotta read the orginial book.
like y'all i seriously thank u for bearing for like this whole text
luv u guys and letz make it to 10 followers
(lol, i sould like a utuber)