
Quisiera creer un club de lectura donde todos leyeramos un libro o una historia y la pudiéramos comentar dando diferentes puntos de vista. Siento que a veces me quedo con mucho que expresar. 


Hi Author-sama... you have a very interesting story! I'm currently reading chapter six and felt like typing in a message for you.  I have seen a lot of gaaraxoc reader but yours is different.  I also have my own gaaraxoc reader but mine was just a simple one. I like yours better! Lol.. you inspire me to finish my own story. Anyways... goodluck and have a nice day!
          Ps. I had also read hidden gaara and was sad about the ending, nevertheless it was a good story!  
          You take care
          A. Jaz. (^_^)


@ angeljazimine  Hi. I am cery glad to hear your words. You can always improve and bring new characters to the table that you imagine as a good match, right? I hope you find a good ending for your new story. 


Por cierto, me encanta la nueva portada de "Quema las páginas" con Martijin ♡♡♡


Pues déjame decirte que me encanta el final, la portada y la foto del precioso y verde ojo de Martijin♡


Jiji gracias. Porque ya pasó un año y quería un final definitivo. Por eso lo modifiqué.