Okay I've just gotta eat this off my chest.
I'm a Mormon, Latter Day Saint. And everybody says Gay marriages are wrong and gross, against what gods says, what he wants.
I don't exactly support lesbianism and gays BUT I say you can't control who you love. I don't mind Bi, Gay, Lesbian, what ever you are, I still think you should be treated like human beings. If you like the same sex than whatever. But just because you like the same sex doesn't mean I have to also.
If I had a friend who was Gay I wouldn't turn my back on him, I WOULD support him, because he/she is my friend. I wouldn't turn my back on them just because they like the same sex, I'm not like that. I actually hate people who do that. One, it hurts the other person, they finally trust you enough to tell you and you turn your back on them? Two, you really want to lose your friend because they like the same sex? It's not like they said they wanted to kill your family or whatever.
I hope this isn't harsh to any of you or offensive! I'm not trying to be mean or anything. Please no hate!
And that didn't make any sense did it? I don't think so. As you can tell I kinda haves ed feelings about things. I don't support gays but I love them anyway. They are people too! I'm not gay myself 100% straight. And I don't know any gays/lesbians but it would be interesting.
Love you! :)