TW ⚠️ Su!cide mention.
I was just on Omegle. I was pranked. Please don't tell people you're going to commit suicide as a prank. It scared me so badly, I thought it was real. Please, don't do that. And if you feel like suicide is the only way out, let me tell you, it's not. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. It's never the answer. It may seem like no one cares, but there are people out there who care about you. If you ever need to talk, rant, vent, anything at all, my DMs are open. But please, don't hurt yourself. Don't kill yourself. Please. Reach out to people. Talk to others. People care about you. So please, please don't do it. And don't say you're going to do it as a prank. To prank someone like that, its cruel. I'm always here to listen or to talk. But remember, suicide is never the answer. Please, remember.