
So, today I got Fire Emblem Fates! (」` ∇`)」Yay~!...
          	...Yeah, don't expect any activity from me for at least a month. ┐( ̄▽ ̄)┌
          	(Lol, but seriously I haven't updated in forever. I promise I'll try to update more ( ・ω・)ゞ ....Well, hopefully I will keep this promise but IDK. |  ̄∀ ̄ |)


@RedLeWriter youre so lucky D:


So, today I got Fire Emblem Fates! (」` ∇`)」Yay~!...
          ...Yeah, don't expect any activity from me for at least a month. ┐( ̄▽ ̄)┌
          (Lol, but seriously I haven't updated in forever. I promise I'll try to update more ( ・ω・)ゞ ....Well, hopefully I will keep this promise but IDK. |  ̄∀ ̄ |)


@RedLeWriter youre so lucky D:


**For all who reads 'The Closet Full of Nightmares'**
          Sorry for not updating The Closet in a while! >.< I haven't had the time to finish up the rest of the Holiday special chapter, nor chapter 12...
          Honestly, I don't have any idea what to do with it. Dx Also, I don't know when I'll have time to update it, or when I'll have free time in general ...It may take until summer vacation or something...(._.) 
          Again, sorry for not updating, I'll try to get some time in to doing so. b(-w-)
          ~Red <3


December 28...You know what this mean? 
          IT'S SAVANNAH'S BIRTHDAY! xD I created her around this day about, eh...five years ago? 
          ........Man, I've been working on this story way too long -_- 
          Anyways, new chapters of The Closet Full of Nightmares coming soon! A Christmas/Birthday one and regular one. -w- It'll be here soon, I promise! XD


Hey~! Thank you so much for following and for adding my story haha ❤ And omg, I'm so glad I'm not the only one who checks out like 20 mangas at the library(it's practically all I get xD) Phew~! And Alice in the Country of Hearts was like my first manga too~! and i love all those anime's you listed as well! :D Haha, sorry for talking a lot, just wanted to let you know that I'm appreciative x3


@Blue_Mist2000 I always have to draw out a character in any of my stories before I actually write them into it....>.> I don't know why. (ever character I've mention in Felicity so far, I've already drawn and published onto my DevantArt...)  YUS, BOYS IN REALITY ARE STUPID-- BRING ON 2-D GUYS! >D<  O_O Y-you read mah story...please wait a moment while I cry tears of happiness in the corner, seriously... TT^TT (The only people who have read it is my mom and aunt, but only to correct my grammar. -.- You can never trust a mom and/or relative's opinion when it comes to stuff like this sometimes...) My old writing was really...*shivers* It was bad. >~<  I had to change allot of stuff so it didn't sound cliche anymore and then I make the main character a sarcastic 12 year old narcissistic redhead just to make it humorous lol XD (Note: she use to be a brunette and super popular and basically lived a high school life in elementary school. >.< I'm really glad I changed her.) Yeah, same! I had one of my old books up once and read through it, I was just blown away at the stuff that I thought was so cleaver...was really reeeeaaallly bad. 0-0 The only anime my brother and/or my parents have watch would be Full Metal Alchemist and both my brother and I were really 1 and 2 years old. o.O I only have one friend and she didn't even know what an Comic Con was until I explained it. .-. Yus, the day my sister will become an otaku will be the happiest day of that year. >w< AH, YEAH! Though, sometimes I see spoilers and I'm just like "O_O Must. know. What. Happened!" and then regret reading it lol ^D^ I literally have to draw ever day or else I get this sort of itch like I forgot something. Idk, it's weird... ANIME IS ALWAYS NECESSARY >XD Sure, that fine >u<


My idea for my stories are manga based tbh. I even drew out my characters as well. My first thought is to turn it into a manga, but I write better than I draw so I tell myself that I'll finish the story, then draw it in manga format if I want xD
            ME TOO!! I WANT A 3-D BISHOUNEN!! TT^TT haha, I'll be checking out your Felicity book right now because it seems interesting :> I read the prologue and your writings really well too! I honestly commend you, I'll finish the rest as we(or I really) speak x)
            My stories all had bad grammar and I didn't even use to space before, so yeah, I am rewriting it since it isn't exactly horrific(I got rid of all that were >~<). Lol, I use to write stories like that too. I felt so accomplished and then looking back now I'm just like...really? -__-"
            My older brother watches it, and that's how I got into it, but we watch completely different things since he likes action types. In school, I'm the only otaku I know though *cries* That's why I force my siblings... Well, look forward to that day(what 5 years xD), it sounds great! ^-^b
            I hate it when ppl spoil things for me too. Ugh, its just not the same anymore after that. It gets me madddd >:@
            Lol same. but I don't draw as much as I used to. And anime is a necessary factor on that list too~! Haha, I feel so bad spamming here like this, so would you like to continue in PM instead?


@Blue_Mist2000 The only thing I've ever had to come up with Japanese names for characters is for a manga I've been trying to draw/write. I just basically went to a site then made up the last name lol XD Yeah, I'm just like 'o_o Tamaki double...whaaa!? I WANT THAT IN REAL LIFE! D:<'then ended up reading it all by 9 I think. Pshhh, normal chapter titles are've done good! I think I tried to  do the same with my first story from like 2010 and put it on here...but it was so bad that I couldn't even rewrite it lol...I've actually had to erase all of it and start it new(Seriously, it was the first book I ever 'finished' but it was only a page long and super cliche >.>)There in no one in my household who actually watches anime with me, tis sad but I'm afraid of showing my mom some of the stuff I watch...though, I got her into a couple reading mangas. My cousins were the ones to get me into most of the animes I love, but they're like 50 miles or somewhat away from me so I can't really talk or fangirl it to them. And if I could, I would, seriously XD Wow, my sister just watches Pokemon, told her I wasn't allowed to watch the animes I watch until she was at least 13. So Pokemon is okay for her...for now anyways, once she turns 13 we will have a marathon and stay up even if it's a school day lol >D< I don't why he doesn't if he's watch all those,  sounds like he in denial. Lol Idk XD I really thought I was going to finish Death Note..I really did! Then I had to read a stupid spoiler and try for a day or so with my mom thinking I was crazy. Yeah, netflix was all I ever used...(but I think someone hacked the account or something because all the names and pictures were changed to something else and movies that I'd never watched or would ever think of watching said that I watch it. I don't know wither it's good or bad that it expired tbh. >m>)  Writing, read, drawing, and mangas. That basically my life in a nutshell. XD


I added more to Felicity in Never Wonderland, Chapter 3: ~An Awkward Dinner Party~. So if your reading the series, they's more to chapter 3 if you already read it. Just want you guys to know, 'cuz what I added to chapter 3 affect chapter 4. Hehe...sorry...>.>'


@aquiia Hello!~ Of course I remember you--seriously, you were one of my favorite artist on DC! I even remember visiting your page there numerous of times. 
          And thank you! Heh...they're a work in progress, but I'm improving! Your going to start writing too? That's so cool! I can't wait to read them! ^D^