
Tell me what you think about the first few chapters of The Indigo Love Story.........❤ 


It's like absolutely bug f•cked when a person make up words, can't even use the correct word usage, but want to get mad when someone tries to help their ass out!!! FASTLY nor CONVERSATE is a feckin' word.....
          You can't LOOSE a fight, but you can LOSE a fight. 
          There's a difference between THEN and THAN.....
          You can't WAIST my time, but you can WASTE my time...
          I try to overlook stuff like that because some stuff really be typos, but come on now, it needs to be readable, and not look like a nine year old wrote it. if you're 16, and older you have no excuse to way you're writing like your on a third grade level. You never know who's on here reading, or seeking talent. I hate seeing books with great potential, crash and burn because people don't take their time. Don't rush because your fans want you to, take your time and do it right. So much better that way.


It's funny when people be really getting butt hurt when you have a different view, opinion than everyone else. Lol Like seriously, people who come at me,be really asking to get their feelings hurt but I'll keep ignoring for the time being. Because boy! arguing behind a computer is a waste of my time.


Ugh! When is this light skinned vs dark skinned mess going to end? ......Maybe It's just me,but as a woman of a lighter tone I do not belittle people whose skin isn't the same as mine....... -__- 
          Another thing.... I am not stuck up, so I refuse to be put in a category as such. 
          You women who have an hatred for light or dark please get a life and find something else to be miserable about. I know how others can treat you,but be the bigger person. 
          I hate when a guy calls you stuck up because you don't want to acknowledge them, uh! maybe I've just had an eff'ed up day and don't feel like conversing. or maybe you've approached me with something like "aye, ma can I put it in your life ,having you screaming daddy?" aren't my nerdy usual type. I don't go for thugs. and trust I can spot them head can be many reasons. 
          * Ladies, be smart and never let a PERSON think he's got you where he wants you...That's how nonsense starts. ( Find a MAN and not these little boys who's playing dress up....that goes for the women that's a lot more mature.....) 
          Younger women keep ya books open and legs closed...Because guys know which are easy targets and know how to drive you completely insane if you let them..focus on your future and not sex..•face palms• what am I saying. Some just have to learn all on their own. 
          ......°yawns° I'm finished 
           RedLips_N_Tattoos .....


this message may be offensive
Do you know how it pains me when you see Black Americans struggle to gain equality in this world. How about when EVERY single black American is basically doomed from the womb because they're already considered a menace to society. Ha! Don't even get me started that jails units are being built based off how many minorities are being birth. just waiting on young black men to f•ck up.
          You have other countries sending their sympathies. You have people who are happy that they aren't apart of a F'ed up America. 
          Everyone speaks on black on black crime, okay that needs to change,and We as people really do care.
          But this is about police brutality. The same people who promised to serve and protect are now getting away with senseless killings. (let me rephrase that) Some have been getting away with it, just now coming to light. 
          The media is right along with them. Portraying Black Americans as animals,but never see the good we do. 
          Then you have some whites screaming one less person to deal with, or get over it, You can't tell me to get over some shit, that's obviously happening right in front of my face! 
          Wake Up People! this isn't all candy and rainbows. ( p.s) This isn't for every cop some have good hearts and are for the people. 
          and not all White Americans were brought up to hate Black Americans. The ones that we actually get along with are behind us. Trust, I can sense when a White American isn't feeling my skin color and I will speak on it. 
          rant over!


I often wonder why in the world can't people tell the difference between lose and loose....
          Ex: What do I have to LOSE? 
          Ex: I'm putting my hair in a LOOSE ponytail....
          I don't know about anyone else,but it annoys me. because people be trying talk sh*t,but barely know how to the use the correct word usage. I'm not perfect and I do make mistakes,but if you're going to come at me...please learn how to spell. and know which their,they're and there to use before getting all finger typing or swiping happy! °Shrugs°