
I'm writing again (on here anyway I never stopped writing) on a different account - a bit of Harry Potter fan ficiton for fun :) If you'd like to check it out, look up PotterGirl134 or ELIXR: A Harry Potter Fan Fiction. No canon characters used and it's a good mix of romance, action, and humor :)


I'm writing again (on here anyway I never stopped writing) on a different account - a bit of Harry Potter fan ficiton for fun :) If you'd like to check it out, look up PotterGirl134 or ELIXR: A Harry Potter Fan Fiction. No canon characters used and it's a good mix of romance, action, and humor :)


Hello hello! Firstly, so sorry for my very long hiatus. I have jut made a few changes to chapter three of Archaelogy that put a slightly different twist on things, and have also added chapter four. It is a bit short, but the next chapter (which I have just finished writing) is a pretty eventful one so you can just get excited about that. I just felt like I needed a long break to really know where this story was going and who my characters were so after a good lengthy brainstorm period, I have gone into a serious spurt of writing, so expect some updates. Please let me know what you think!


Finally writing again! Working on Archaelogy (ten years later) but I'm writing out of order so it may be awhile. I'd also like to start MAJOR edits to Up North this summer but I have about fifteen major project on my to do list so we'll see how it goes.


Sorry to upload twice in one day, but this short story I just uploaded means a lot to me and it concerns a very heavy topic that has affected me and every American greatly so I would appreciate your reads and your feedback. I want to improve it a LOT because I want to do it justice. This is the kind of story I want to affect someone, not just entertain them. It needs to make you feel something. So I need readers, and lots of them. Please please please take a few minutes out of your day to take a look at it.


Hello friends! Uploaded a new piece to my flash fiction book called "The Shinking Coy Violet and the Perils of Navigating High School Cliques". I am absolutely loving writing flash - I think I've really taken to it, so I'd love if you could read it!


Hi! I just wanted to say that maybe you should add a summary to your stories that way more people will read them. You don't have to if you don't want to, but I would surly read your books if you wrote a summary so I know what it's about. 


Hi everyone! A few weeks ago I updated the Short Story Book with a little flash fiction piece called Between Closed Doors that played around with point of view. I've uploaded another today, Out Like Sails, that connects two very different paintings. I'd love to hear what you think as these are some more literary things and my writing has really improved from what people have actually read on here. I'll be uploading two proper short stories within the coming weeks, both of which I have a good feeling about, so it'd be great to have some feedback.