
500K on Prison Chic!!!! I am so HAPPY, you guys! *Heart EVERYWHERE*
          	kisses & Hugs <3


chappy chappy, here we are!
          a new chapter of TC is now up! check it out and share your thoughts. Also, have anyone read the italian Girl? that book made m want to murder someone and I was seriously concedering braking my rule of "never start something and don't finish it even if you hated it"!
          frankly, it depressed me. -..-
          if anyone has any thoughts on the matter, hit me up!
          Otherwise, have a great one!


to my awesome people... how are you?
          It's U guys so much *teary eyes*
          I've been suuuure busy with my family, seriously it's giving me a massive headache. I'm getting the new chapter ready for TC, promise it'll be up soon. and by soon I mean in 2 days max! #please don't kill me
          I love u so much!
          have a great one my lovelies... 


Quick updates! look at that!
          I'll be heading to my hometown for summer, I'll try to update as regularly as possible. your support is always appreciated.
          Have a nice summer. And whoever's still having finals, good luck and may the highest grade be in your favour ;D