
Notice: I will not be posting any more updates on this site. If you wish to read my work, visit my Fanfiction account here: 
          	Furthermore, if you see anyone else plagiarizing my work on this site, please be sure to notify me. I may be done with Wattpad, but I'm not done writing, and I will always defend my work, especially when it comes to users like Ciscoatthedisco1, who word-for-word copied my story, Prejudice. He or she may have posted it on Wattpad first, causing many to assume that I'M the one who plagiarized, but I published that story over a year ago (Sept 6, 2016) on my Fanfiction account, from which he or she copied it from, author's notes and all. I don't appreciate the accusations being hurled my way when I'm the original author of that story and ALL the story posted on my account. 
          	I'm sorry to leave Wattpad, but I hope to see some of you on Fanfiction or Archive of Our Own.


Notice: I will not be posting any more updates on this site. If you wish to read my work, visit my Fanfiction account here: 
          Furthermore, if you see anyone else plagiarizing my work on this site, please be sure to notify me. I may be done with Wattpad, but I'm not done writing, and I will always defend my work, especially when it comes to users like Ciscoatthedisco1, who word-for-word copied my story, Prejudice. He or she may have posted it on Wattpad first, causing many to assume that I'M the one who plagiarized, but I published that story over a year ago (Sept 6, 2016) on my Fanfiction account, from which he or she copied it from, author's notes and all. I don't appreciate the accusations being hurled my way when I'm the original author of that story and ALL the story posted on my account. 
          I'm sorry to leave Wattpad, but I hope to see some of you on Fanfiction or Archive of Our Own.

DylanTJones are my favourite author ever, everything you write is AWESOMEl!!!l!! I think you know which of your stories is my favourite (hint:Pawn) but your other stories are fantastic!, I'm sorry if I've bugged you about the updates in the past......its just your story is so good I can't stop reading it!, keep up the good work!, im your #1 fan!!!!!!!!!


@DylAndLogan Hahaha thank you! I'll be updating the pawn very soon. I have the next chapter written and just need to edit


@DylAndLogan on the pawn story im ur #1 fan *insert troll face here* :-)


Hey redQ051!,I just wanna say that reading your story,Pawn (the Savitar one) was one of the reasons I started writing savitar stories,(that and I wanted to)so thank you for being an amazing writer!, BTW you would make an awesome CW writer. 
          PS:I've read the version of prejudice the whole way through and really liked it!,
          One more thing(sorry for being annoying) but are you gonna update Pawn?, because I really wanna see where it ends up going!,thanks for reading this!, 


@DylAndLogan I am really impatient and would like to know if you could possibly put the link for prejudice here? 


@RedQ051 haha!  yeh, btw thanks for updating!, and i hope you get the internship! A Talented writer like you deserves it!, ps: it would be awesome if you could read my savitar origin story and review it(tell me what you think)....plz?, if not thats fine, i just wanted to see if youn liked the way its going, anyway thanks again byeeeeeee


I just wanted to tell you that you write the best Flash fics on this place! I am surprised at the lack of followers you have!


I really hope you get that internship! It'd be great to have someone like you making the show run the way your books do!


@radioactive_sarcasam That really means a lot! I'm going to school for film and I'm trying to land an internship with the CW as a show writer for The Flash. Every time I doubt myself, it's comments like this that keep me motivated :)


I really enjoyed it. I learnt a lot of things though-I was moved.  Please write aanother story of barry overcoming a long term ulcer (terrible one) . I have  been having idt for 8 yrs now. And I would be encoif it was in form of a srory and barry is the main character.  I want to get better.  Thanks.


@235874a  not idt. I meant it. Thanks I will really appreciate it if you write on ulcer and barry is the main character.  I am happy you replied


@235874a I'm so sorry for everything you're going through! I have some medical experience, but I don't know much about IDT--just the basics--so I'm not sure if I could do it justice. I'll definitely keep the idea in mind though! I hope you get better! <3