
Hi everyone, sorry for the hiatus but I’ve had a hard time with the deleting randomly of my stories, feeling uninspired, my own mental health and my family health currently. I hope you can forgive me and know I’ll be back soon! 


Did you ever get my messages that I sent? I’m the one who had your story randomly pop up in library


Hi everyone, sorry for the hiatus but I’ve had a hard time with the deleting randomly of my stories, feeling uninspired, my own mental health and my family health currently. I hope you can forgive me and know I’ll be back soon! 


Did you ever get my messages that I sent? I’m the one who had your story randomly pop up in library


So idk if it’s just me but your Avengers one shots is showing up in my library and I can read it but yet it doesn’t show up as available on your profile. But if you can’t access it if we could find a way to direct message so I can send it to you or idk figure it out?


Wattpad still haven’t got back to me about removing my story. I think the policy of gone forever with no warning of chance to change or back up stories is terrible and scary for authors who work so hard. It was my most popular book, and whilst it’s my fault I didn’t back up as I was writing on my phone, I cannot support wattpad for this. 
          I will begrudgingly finish The Suitors but then I will be logging off permenantly. I feel very strongly about how wattpad treats it’s people that keep it going and I can’t support this anymore. 
          If anyone can raise on my behalf to wattpad or has my avengers oneshots saved I’d be eternally grateful. 
          I worked so hard on my stories and was going to use some of the chapters as prompts for full stories. I feel so let down. 
          And to whoever May have reported my stories without talking to me first, I hope you’re happy knowing you caused this:(


I have been doing research, experimenting with the way back machine, and trying to find other copies of your work but ahve had no luck so far. I am very familiar with both the comfort one shot and reward one shots (may be able to recite certain pets word for word and can definitely recite the plot lines accurately) so if that helps in anyway please let me know! I will keep you updated with everything that I find! 


@RedRoomReads-x Really sad to see you go, I love your writing! But you deserve to do what's best for your happiness and well being. The One Shots was my favorite collection (besides Suitors i am HOOKED on that) thank you for your awesome writing 


@RedRoomReads-x I'm so sorry! I loved that One Shot book and I was just thinking about reading it again next week. Not your fault that people are awful. I love your other works and I hope you come out of this okay


Someone must’ve reported my oneshots stories as Wattpad has removed them. I had no copies of this saved anywhere as I don’t have a laptop so do them on my phone. I spent over two years working on these and putting my heart and soul into them. I am absolutely devastated and have no idea how they went against content guidelines. It’s 5.46am and I’ve been crying trying to figure it out. They are unable to restore removed stories and I find the fact they’ve done this without warning really frightening. I’ve been struggling so much recently and to know my most popular story has completely gone has honestly made me want to leave wattpad. I’m not sure how to raise a complaint but I feel absolutely gutted :’(


@RedRoomReads-x  This is terrible, I have seen this happen to a couple of writers that I follow over the last few weeks. I dont understand how wattpad doesnt have a proper appeals process if it is reported. Writers are going to leave and not come back if things like that keep happening. 


@RedRoomReads-x Plz backup your rest of stories. Wattpad acted like a horrible monster in law. 


@ RedRoomReads-x  this is so horrible im so so sorry this happend to you i love your stories so much and losing one, i cant even think how you feel right now. Im so sorry i will spread the message you send about if people have copies, i wish i made copies myself 