I would just like to share how stupid my sister is, she asked, quote-unquote, "Do we live in America?"..... B*TCH WE LIVE IN F*CKING NY, "nO wE LiVe iN BlOoDy eNgLaNd"
I would just like to share how stupid my sister is, she asked, quote-unquote, "Do we live in America?"..... B*TCH WE LIVE IN F*CKING NY, "nO wE LiVe iN BlOoDy eNgLaNd"
Hey Followers! I wanna introduce a game my sister and I play sometimes. Go in alphabetical order and name Disney characters! I'll go first, A.... Anna from the Frozen franchise !
Thanks for the follow, dear friend
You can PM me whenever you feel down
Because unicorns are great listeners
Hope you are safe and happy wherever you are
May the Good Unicorn bless you
Let's talk more and be friends!
Love ya~
-By your Unicorn❤