
Well our internet is out so… if I can’t post today it will be tomorrow I promise!! Love you guys! 
          	-Red Writer


Well my friends…. I have some news…. I might not (emphasis on might) be able to post for the next two weeks. Matt has a bunch of music stuff coming up. All of his things are on Fridays and Saturdays meaning I don’t have time to write. I am deeply sorry for everything. I will post this weekend though. Love you all! 
          -Red Writer


Uhm hello my friends, so…. I can’t post this weekend…. Don’t kill me. We have to go out of town to visit some old friends and won’t be back in time. I am deeply sorry. I will not disappoint next week I promise! Love you guys and I’ll make sure to keep my email open. Bye! 
          -Red Writer


@RedWriter20 ur lucky I lost my knife last night. But fr tho, ur good


Hello my friends, I have come to tell you random things. You’re welcome . Anyways, on to the first point, if we can get Ships pt 1 to 10k by May, we’re going to have a special day where the team and I make a full episode with everyone on the podcast. Though we are having trouble filming if we can get it to 10k I will find a way. We will also have a special announcement of a new summer book that will be released as well as The Divine Heroes. Onto the second point, as you all know we have a story called Sly as a Fox. Well, each summer we write a story based on a highly annoying debate for a theme/au/plot. Always Solangelo.  here’s the interesting part. We are going to let you guys decide this year. We already have one for a… side project  but we need some help with ideas. Whatever you want us to do comment and the one that the team votes the most for (not including me) will be our summer tale. There are conditions though, one: it has to be an au or alt dimension. Two: no smut. (Sorry you heathens) Three: it can’t be something we’ve already done. Four: it has to be simple enough we can imagine a whole plot. Best of luck to you all. I must tell you all that if we don’t get submission I’m letting Cat, INS, and Anomine decide so…
          Bye guys! Love you all!
          -Red Writer


P.s. the end date for submitting your proposals will be June 1. Long time! Bye!


Hello my friends, I’ve come with bad news. I’ll start with it then. Well since CAP CUT is no longer available our YouTube channel will be slower since I’m looking for new platforms. On a brighter note I just finished an amazing book called Icarus by K. Ancrum. Sorry if I spelled it wrong. Everyone is sick at the house and I’m the only one not sick…  yay… anyways, I’ll be a bit occupied for the next four months but I will try to upload on schedule. Having 4 kids in the house is stressful. I’m 25!!!!!!! Anyways. Love you guys. I will answer every comment as soon as I can. Love you guys!!
          -Red Writer


I don’t know man I am in the same room with Cat and she has a cold then I forced Matt and Leo in the living room since they have strep from highschool  then Will-Gray is better today he’s just coughing his head off and Cory is chilling. I will say the new house is 100x better than the old apartment we have space!! Will has his own room. Matt and Leo have bunk beds because I don’t trust them in one bed.  then Cory has his own room. It’s ten times better  


@RedWriter20 cap cut has been banned on so many different platforms. Also, gods dam!! 4 sick kids and even more sick people?!?!? How are you jot sick!?!? Love you bestie!! Dont get sick!!


Hello my friends! How are you all doing? It snowed us in this weekend and it was amazing I made a snow throne and Cat made a snow castle. Matt and Leo made a snow man and Will-Gray decided he was gonna get a stick and build an ice wall. He started a war . Cat and I were on Matt’s team while Leo went to Will-Gray like a traitor. We lost. In a final act of tertiary Matt destroyed my throne. Well home you all enjoy your day and have a great week. I’m about to be supper busy with work and Matt’s schedule. Spring is a busy time for the shop. Love you guys! 
          -Red Writer


@RedWriter20  It snowed A LOT last week. I built a 4ft snowman and named him Larry. Very random, I know. That's how I like it. So yeah.


lol nice! I can only skateboard but Cat is amazing at skating. Leo is the traitor but faithful to my little brother so I’ll allow it. He also sleeps on my couch  


@RedWriter20 its snowed so much yesterday. Me and my brother went sledding and it was really fun. I went ice skating today with my friends and I'm the only one who knew how to skate, except my bestie, she's really good. So me and my bestie were just helping our other friends so they dont break all their bones. Also, Leo is such a traitor!!!


Hello my friends, so I’m writing a new book. This one we are for sure publishing. It’s in draft stages and some of you have probably already read it. The Divine Heroes The Shrine of Bellator is going to be a draft for a while but I will post the drafts. Once we finish the draft and go into the actual chapters I will also post those as well. This book is going to be full of fighting, suspense, twists and turns, crazy moments, and epic heroes. Oh! And it’s also about us at RWI but in a fantasy world called Fulgur. It ties into City of Stars as a different dimension. Pretty cool huh? Hope you all fall in love with it as much as I have. We are still posting but it will be a smaller range of what we update. Love you guys! 
          -Red Writer


Hello my friends! Happy 2025!! I am so excited for the new year and next chapter in RWI. I just adopted Cory and he is getting to know us. He’s a sweet kid. Matt and Leo just got their licenses and are excited. Will-Gray is still pinning for Eclypse. And Catherine and I are still working together to keep the house standing. I’m so excited to be 25 now! My friends I feel old. If only I were the Red in The Divine Heroes so I could be immortal. Oh well. Love you all and have a great day! 
          -Red Writer