Hello my friends, I have come to tell you random things. You’re welcome . Anyways, on to the first point, if we can get Ships pt 1 to 10k by May, we’re going to have a special day where the team and I make a full episode with everyone on the podcast. Though we are having trouble filming if we can get it to 10k I will find a way. We will also have a special announcement of a new summer book that will be released as well as The Divine Heroes. Onto the second point, as you all know we have a story called Sly as a Fox. Well, each summer we write a story based on a highly annoying debate for a theme/au/plot. Always Solangelo. here’s the interesting part. We are going to let you guys decide this year. We already have one for a… side project but we need some help with ideas. Whatever you want us to do comment and the one that the team votes the most for (not including me) will be our summer tale. There are conditions though, one: it has to be an au or alt dimension. Two: no smut. (Sorry you heathens) Three: it can’t be something we’ve already done. Four: it has to be simple enough we can imagine a whole plot. Best of luck to you all. I must tell you all that if we don’t get submission I’m letting Cat, INS, and Anomine decide so…
Bye guys! Love you all!
-Red Writer