
this message may be offensive
Gonna just write shit through ch. 9 to get it out of the way


this message may be offensive
I know it seems like I fucked myself over. But I am rewriting the chapters completely while trying to follow a very strict storyline I set up to make reading pleasurable. Bear with me as Chapter One, Senseless,  is halfway done.


On that same note...
          I have written up to Chapter 15 as of now for the Initial Draft. I am now going to begin working on "rewriting" Those first fifteen chapters so that it reads smoother and more interestingly. 
          Alongside those initial fifteen chapters I'll be rewriting, I'll be adding another fifteen chapters to the story. This process will repeat until the story is complete. 
          This will be the same case for every story I write. Bear with me on the wait times, I promise they'll be worth it.
          ...Thank you for your patience.