Depression and anxiety come in many forms and shapes. You can have anxiety and/or depression without trauma , and it might not be as bad as others, but seriously don’t be afraid to say how you feel. Either way those are mental illnesses that need to be taken care of, because people do die from anxiety and/or depression, not just suicide. Even just being sad, don’t hesitate to talk about because you never know how it could affect your health and it might even make you depressed or give you anxiety. Always try to find the rainbow after a storm. Don’t give up on me or yourself because every moment is worth living. Even the bad ones. Just look how far you’ve came. So many years of your life. It’s just beginning, so don’t let go yet and leave everything behind. Don’t give up on me, your dreams, your future, yourself, just don’t give up. You’re so close, and it’s painful, but it’s worth the pain, trust me. At times we might feel alone, but we aren’t because we have each other. If not, you guys still have me, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. You all deserve to be happy no matter what. No matter what you’ve done or what people have done to you. I want everyone to hear this. All of you deserve to.