
I also do ERPs if anyone is interested (DM me your Discord)


I'm good.


Hello everyone, this is Mr. Achievement here, and i guess your wondering "What happened to your Fallout 76 story?" Well, i deleted it. Why? Because the game has changed for me and everyone who was involved with the story. The Enclave Republic; A In-Game Enclave Group (with it's own Discord) Is dead! But, all hope is not lost, there will be a new book, not starting in FO76, but FO4 (With the main 2 DLC's after the Main Questline). So i am sorry for this, i hope y'all understand. Anyways, Have a good Day (or night)!


"Many people say that this... Casino holds riches, which is true, but its a death trap by the Mad Elder, Elder [Redacted]. He used these bomb collars, the ones that the [Redacted] used to keep the slaves in line... I came here and stopped him by trapping him inside the vault that [Redacted] set up for [Reacted]. Now the Old Man's corpes still lays there, lifeless, cold and rotten... His greed for Old Wold tech was his downfall when he trapped himself there with the massive amounts of Gold Bars, Ammo and other stuff there... Now years has passed, and the [Redacted] has fallen silent once again... Sometimes its nice to... "Begin Again"... But in his own words... "Finding it... That's not the hard part. Its letting go"
          -Journal Entry of [Redacted] 6