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Feeling nostalgic and sad, I decided to look back into this hellhole of an account that has remained *mostly* untouched for 4 years. The fact that I used to use "uwu/owo" and "lel" genuinely horrifies me, and also the fact that people used to put their suicide notes on this fucking website but 2020 was just like that I suppose. The main reason was to look back at my writing, or at least the stuff I kept in my drafts. It has taken me literal years to gain even a shred of confidence in my writing, no less uploading something on here. And I don't feel as bad as I thought I would. Like no, yeah, it wasn't superb but then I remember I was 12 and trying to express myself in a community I enjoyed being in, as well as coping with what was essentially the apocalypse of our time while also dealing with being in high school. So I'll be uploading one of my stories from 4 years ago, to heal that weird-ass musical-obsessed pre-teen in me (that dawg in me, if you will).