@Reddwritessmut hey! I just followed you on tt and ig!!! I love your stories and also Cindie's, I see how the new story she posted can be similar to Kept in a way bc of how you mentioned the second part of the chapter being about them kinda meeting in like a party/ball and also the royalty part... And I totally get that from your pov is absolutely normal to think about those similarities being sus, however, from my pov when I read her new story I didn't even thought about it being even similar to Kept and I've read it and believe me I love it and the way you write is honestly so so good!! Plus, I also love the direction your taking for that story btw. I think hers is going in a very different direction from what it seems to me. But anyways, that's just what I thought about it. In any case, if she is taking big parts of your stories not just as inspiration but clearly making them suspiciously similar is going to show so much is gonna be awful and embarrassing if you decide to call her out for it and she denies it. Even if she has lots of followers and readers you've got your work covered with digital footprint and we as your readers got your back dw!! And I know you might be a smaller writer right now, but I think you'll get the recognition you deserve girl cause you're writing is AMAZING!! Omg this got so long, sorry :'c