
You are strong,
          	If you have been weak and accepted it.
          	You are wise, 
          	If you have made mistakes and learn from them. 
          	You show a smile, 
          	Because the tears have already fallen. 
          	You appreciate others, 
          	If you have lost the ones you love. 


@foxyhate like pm? Or your board? Or something else?


Jonathan, what even happened to you?...
          I'm scared that everyone is disappearing...


@theevilqueen-mill *hugs you* We have to just stay positive...we have to keep hoping he comes back...


@Lyrica_Siji I'm scared he won't come back..... Ever....... I don't know what he meant by leaving! 


@theevilqueen-mill O-Oh...thanks...I hope he's back soon...I'm scared he won't be back soon...


Hey max
          Uh we dont really talk anymore and i dont really think you like me much but uh we all miss you a whole bunch and really just want you to come back . if you every meet any of us in real life well have so much fun and besides im missing my sword art online buddy we can go kill some monsters or something .....i just wish youd come back .....!!! So take care max ok....miss you from the bottom of my heart 


Hey Jay.
          It's me Elise.... Well, I think you would know that. Anyway, I'll miss you a ton. So much. I don't really know what we were, just friends, or more? All I know is that I'll always miss you and think about you. If I ever meet you, I would hug you, kiss you and then shout Hail Hydra at the top of my lungs. And I don't do that with very many people.
          I hope we can talk again one day. I'll miss you. Take care of yourself and stay strong. I will never forget you.