
Ok so here's a few facts of my new iteration of the Hero's Path South Park fic
          	So basically each route is actually a different timeline, with each choice being a different branch for that timeline.
          	Dovahkiin can see the alternate versions of not only himself but the others as well. Any character that is in a different place or spot based on the timeline/route than the current one, Dovahkiin can see what they're doing in that version. 


Ok so here's a few facts of my new iteration of the Hero's Path South Park fic
          So basically each route is actually a different timeline, with each choice being a different branch for that timeline.
          Dovahkiin can see the alternate versions of not only himself but the others as well. Any character that is in a different place or spot based on the timeline/route than the current one, Dovahkiin can see what they're doing in that version. 


Btw here's a note for the Doki Doki South Park fic
          The character routes are actually gonna branch off into separate stories bc I cannot handle writing every single possibility all at once 
          The main story itself will probably just be the neutral route 
          Rn Kyle's route and Eric's route are the unlocked side stories 


And Kenny, forgot him


Actually I'm considering renaming my Miraculous South Park story and instead making Stan's hero self a wolf lmao 
          Just so I can make his animal companion the Sparky of this AU


Problem is I like his goth aesthetic too much lmao maybe I'll introduce a Felix version of him and he'll be the one who has Sparky 


"So how's that overhaul going" 
          Honestly I'm starting to realize why I made my Hero's Path books the way they were before in the first place lmao Choose Your Own Adventure stories are not meant to be written with each chapter just being the main routes themselves instead of actually following the outcome of a particular choice 


My South Park Hero's Path story is undergoing an overhaul currently. Each split Path will be written entirely under the Route that the split represents because I want to make these stories simpler by just having everything in one spot. I'm doing the same thing with my other fics, to avoid ending up with chapters that feel like I could've written more instead of ending. 




            (You're actually not. The profile pic is a lie my Kyle depiction is 20.)


            "....Dude. we're the same person. Same age."