
Gonna say it... i don't like scrolling through 8 character pages, with pictures of face claims, rooms, vibes, etc. when reading a book. I don't need a soundtrack page for every character, or a page with literally 3 words and 35 lines of blank space on each side. Tell and show me your characters, maybe a soundtrack for the book if you so desire, and hell, throw in a graphics page for art made by others if you want. Just get to the story, i beg 


Not aimed at anyone specific at all, if that's your vibe, go for it. I've just come across so many the last 2 days and I'm tired lol


Gonna say it... i don't like scrolling through 8 character pages, with pictures of face claims, rooms, vibes, etc. when reading a book. I don't need a soundtrack page for every character, or a page with literally 3 words and 35 lines of blank space on each side. Tell and show me your characters, maybe a soundtrack for the book if you so desire, and hell, throw in a graphics page for art made by others if you want. Just get to the story, i beg 


Not aimed at anyone specific at all, if that's your vibe, go for it. I've just come across so many the last 2 days and I'm tired lol


The day of aging is upon us


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hey everyone. I know I don't have many followers who actually follow my work. But! I just posted a kind of one shots book that I'll be posting on probably every week or so. Maybe two weeks, depending. It's fic one shots of The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater. It'd be awesome if you checked it out of you're interested. She's one of my favorite authors, and The Raven Cycle is one of my favorite series. If you haven't read any of her books, i highly recommended. 
          Long post, sorry. Thanks!


I'm doing these with some of my online friends on ao3. Idk if you're on there, but they all write so well


They're just short fics for now, but hopefully it'll give me practise to possibly write one in the future


Omg hell yes! I’ve been wanting a good raven cycle fic since I was 12 lol


Would I love to cosplay? Of course. Do I have the body or the face for most of the characters I would like to do? Hell no.


Haha. It occurred to me at 3 am. I can never be Black Widow confidently


@Redheadedreader12 I felt this in the depths of my soul 


Wouldn't even know where to start