Hiya! Just your average teenager trying to become a writer in the future and figured that wattpad would be a good place to start! Currently I'm working on a BIG story that is kind of a rewrite of My Hero Academia but with my own twists. Its called The Last CHOSEN so be sure to check it out! I'll be working on other fanfics in the future, but I'll be spending a lot of time and effort on this one...so be sure to drop by! I hope you guys enjoy my story and the other ones in the future and Cya around!
  • Florida
  • انضمMay 4, 2021


الرسالة الأخيرة
Redwooder101 Redwooder101 Oct 03, 2023 11:50PM
ALRIGHT! Okay so instead uploading at 3pm every Friday, I'm changing it to 10am EST. Hope that's better than 3pm! That said, next chapter will be dropping on Friday! Hope everyone has a good week!
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The Last CHOSEN بقلم Redwooder101
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