
With The Brotherly Type I want to do a chapter like 'Haruhi in wonderland' but focusing around M/n but I'm not sure what movie to go with, so if you have any suggestions please let me know either in the comments on the story or here and I'll definitely get working on it
          	With Max's older sister though I'll have to rewatch the series and go back through the story to help remember what was going on and make sure I get back to working on it.
          	Lastly, I've been working on a few stories that aren't posted yet, I'm debating on if I should wait till they're completed or have more than four chapters before I post them. There's some based off of animes and some on movies. Especially since I've been watching more animes. The main problem is I have a poor attention span so if a show has more than 2 seasons I tend to lose interest except for one main anime which I am working on a story for as well. Soon I'll post a list of the different shows and movies and shows I'm working on and please let me know if it's something you'd want to read and the ones which are most liked I'll work on first 


With The Brotherly Type I want to do a chapter like 'Haruhi in wonderland' but focusing around M/n but I'm not sure what movie to go with, so if you have any suggestions please let me know either in the comments on the story or here and I'll definitely get working on it
          With Max's older sister though I'll have to rewatch the series and go back through the story to help remember what was going on and make sure I get back to working on it.
          Lastly, I've been working on a few stories that aren't posted yet, I'm debating on if I should wait till they're completed or have more than four chapters before I post them. There's some based off of animes and some on movies. Especially since I've been watching more animes. The main problem is I have a poor attention span so if a show has more than 2 seasons I tend to lose interest except for one main anime which I am working on a story for as well. Soon I'll post a list of the different shows and movies and shows I'm working on and please let me know if it's something you'd want to read and the ones which are most liked I'll work on first 


So I'm gonna post this here since I mentioned it at the end of the most recent chapter of my OHSHC chapter, but I figured I'll make a quick post here instead of on the chapter, but there was 2 of my family members had health problems and I had a possible scare.
          So first mine and I'm not gonna go into detail but I had to have a biopsy done cause of a lump i found, and when I first went for the ultrasound what I thought was one lump turned out to be 3. Thankfully luck was on my side and originally they thought nothing of it, but after the ultrasound the doctor saw something that was a little concerning, so I had a biopsy done, and long story somewhat short, came back non binign (non cancerous) still have to go back for check ups every few months for 4 years just to keep an eye on it
          Second was my dad who fell 10-12 feet at work, almost landed in a wood chipper but thankfully didn't and instead landed on a stone path, according to his coworkers he almost landed on his head but he used his wrist to break the fall, breaking his wrist in the process when it happened his coworker picked me up to go to the hospital with him since he doesn't have a phone and I kept my mom and everyone else in my family updated but I also helped out with his recovery 
          The final family member who had issues was my older brother who had a heart attack, luckily went to the hospital in time and got diagnosed with Graves disease.
          Its been a tough few months with everything and even dealing with anxiety and depression also didn't help. My main point of this post is to say, Whether it be health wise, or Mental Health don't be scared to get help, especially with mental health. There are people who will help never be scared to reach out to someone, YOU are important and matter. There's always some sort of light at the end of dark tunnels.


So I truly try to write whenever I can, but lately a lot have been happening, my dad had to go to the ER due to falling 12 ft and landing on his head (luckily his head is fine but he broke one wrist and sprained the other. I got electrocuted at my one job every thing is fine thank goodness.
          But luckily my seasonal job is over in about a month so I'll be able to write more.
           That being said updates still might be slow since I'm working on other fanfics too, which probably won't be posted till there's a few chapters ready to be posted. Also an OG story which I'm also excited for so if any of you beautiful people would like to be in any of them let me know and I can try to add you in the stories. 


Hey, I just wanna say, it is taking awhile, but I am working on the next chapter of Max's Older Sister! But before I do that, to make it a little easier to write imma change one little thing in the story
          Sorry for the long wait, and I'll try to have it out soon