About a week ago, the police found a trailor impaled by tree. Along with the parents, and three children from the hluse hold.dead inside thanks to three tornadoes. So far, around 70 people are dead, and over a hundered missing. Pray for Bouregard. I was lucky, I live in chambers county, and chambers was the only border county untouched.
About a week ago, the police found a trailor impaled by tree. Along with the parents, and three children from the hluse hold.dead inside thanks to three tornadoes. So far, around 70 people are dead, and over a hundered missing. Pray for Bouregard. I was lucky, I live in chambers county, and chambers was the only border county untouched.
I got a Ukele and a Melodica(basically a blow-in piano that sounds like a harmonica and acordian) for christmas!
If you guys would like me to put a video of me playing one of them(or piano), please let me know by replying to this comment! Tank chu!
I JUST got the ukele and don't know any songs yet, so if you ask for a song on it, wait a bit oki? Pls? The melodica has a keyboard shape and i've been playing pianp for 5 years, so... it's WAY easier.