
Oh noes. It's the ONC again.
          	Must resist.......


@elveloy Not sure what you're chuckling about - you're even more of an ONC-junkie than me.


@Reffster Chuckles! *evil laughter...


Thanks for your reply. I wasn't sure, hence the ? You've convinced me it makes sense!
          I don't think I will be applying for the post of proof reader. My last book which I have just published on Amazon I proof-read until I was sure that there were no errors. I decided to try Wattpad and have just published it here. Whist preparing it, apart from some missing full stops and speech marks, I found the word century on the Title page had no T, and in C8, I think, one of the characters says:
          "Take a seat, please." Sadly, I had not noticed despite all the times I'd gone through it that it read:
          "Take a sit, please."
          Well, I suppose I should be thankful that an h hadn't crept in as well.
          Like your writing style. Does Wagner get a mention eventually?


Okay, after much dithering and procrastination, and a moderate amount of word-jitsu, I have finished editing Manticore Rampant. It's gained a few thousand words and I've split the final chapter into two and given the whole thing a bit of a polish, and I'd like to think it's now a more complete, coherent story (but then I would think that, wouldn't I?).
          Although they don't share any characters, this story takes place in the same 'universe' as my earlier novel The Blade, and I suspect it's a universe to which I will return at some point. I tend to have fun there.
          Anyway, happy weekend, people.



@Reffster Hi there, just a gentle reminder. Our records show you still have one task to complete before the next Snatching Party.
          Kind regards AFBC


@adultfictionstories Whoops. I have done it, just forgot to say so. Thanks for the reminder.