
Decided to restart! Will be writing new books that is planned...don't worry, some fanfics will be back!


Hi my dear followers!
          First off, I would like to apologise for not uploading anything for almost a year...
          As you can see in my bio, there is a ko-fi link up. Ko-fi is a platform that I'm using in hopes to receive some extra cash to help motivate me to upload a chapter.
          You don't have to do anything if you don't want to, we are all here to read for our enjoyment! And I agree with that! 
          The reason I stopped uploading was because of my mental health. I was admitted into a psychiatric ward for 2nd attempted suicide and am now seeing 5-7 medical/psychiatric/social services with another risk of being admitted again. As expected, the medical bills and my current expenses are racking up high...
          I didn't really want to do this but it was a last resort kinda thing. I hope that everyone understands my reasonings on the extremely slow uploads and why the link exists.
          It is a difficult time for me and for everyone right now, i hope everyone is feeling content ♡
          Thank you for the support and knowing I have people who like my books makes me happy. 
          There will still be uploads of chapters...maybe a new book ;)


( @ReflectionMade ) I really hope you're doing well, I can't donate but I'm really proud of you for getting help you need <3


Hello! Who is the guy in your pfp??


@bIxssm nope sorry! It's been a long time and I couldn't find it on Pinterest as there's many ^^;;;


@ReflectionMade do you have the original picture or link?


@bIxssm I just typed in anime guy or anime guy profile on Pinterest! :)


Hey guys! First off, let's welcome the New Year! Wooooo! Hope you guys haven't gave up on your resolutions!!! 
          Now time for some sad news, lately there has been a virus spreading around called 2019-NCov, or commony known as the WuHan virus. It is a virus that is closely related to SARS and display the similar symptoms of flu, fever and cough. It originated from Wuhan, China and has now infected thousands and killed nearly 20 if not more as of now.
          Currently, people are still looking for a cure! Please protect yourselves by wearing surguical masks, washing your hands constantly and report to the doctors immediately if you display any of the symptoms! 
          Let's hope that the World's Health Organisation (WHO) doesn't declare this a global emergency and wish for the best a cure is found soon!


Hello human beans~
          Ahem ahem, I know I have been quiet lately....
          Okay, REAL quiet. BUT I am still updating my books! :)
          Sorry if it's slow and really sorry if many people think that I'm dead or inactive! I have been receiving help mentally and am now under the process of self-healing. Things have been tough and many things has happened, after years, I finally found the courage and motivation/commitment to seek professional help. 
          I hope that everyone is doing well and that you still continue to enjoy my books~
          With much love and care,