
Hello, My followers and Readers, I hope you didn't think I died or gave up on this site, No! Never! But I coming out of a long hiatus to let you know what's tea. For the Son of Maleficent Fans, I'm in the works on a new story, I just uploaded a new chapter to book two. yay! For other works let me know if you want more of them or if you want a newer version. I have grown as a writer so my style isn't the same but you'll discover that on your own soon. For any other questions or concerns DM me. I love answering them and I love your feedback. BTW! Who's ready for Fall?


Hello, My followers and Readers, I hope you didn't think I died or gave up on this site, No! Never! But I coming out of a long hiatus to let you know what's tea. For the Son of Maleficent Fans, I'm in the works on a new story, I just uploaded a new chapter to book two. yay! For other works let me know if you want more of them or if you want a newer version. I have grown as a writer so my style isn't the same but you'll discover that on your own soon. For any other questions or concerns DM me. I love answering them and I love your feedback. BTW! Who's ready for Fall?


I wish my lovely followers and readers a Happy New year. all 2022 I've been writing but haven't really posted, well I'm here to announce I have a lot of stories ready and for my Malic lovers a new book. I've also rewritten some old stories I abandoned, and Ill be building upon the universes I've begun. as always enjoy and thanks you for voting. love you guys!!!


Happy New Year my wonderful followers and readers. I've been super busy with fashion school but trust I have not forgotten about you favorite story's. I'm going to be post more of Malic son of maleficent for the descendants lovers. The male diamond authority for Steven universe fans. And more...if there's a story even one of you would like me to continue or maybe redo I got you. With love and appreciation thank you all for liking my stuff. 


my lovely followers and readers, I want to let you know that I'm starting 2 new stories but before I publish them I need to know what new chapter do you want from my older stories? You can reply here or to my inbox. Love you happy reading. 


Hey all my followers and future followers, I am so sorry about this month and last okay, but starting now I'm going back on track but forgive me if i am late on some occasions. now to spice things up I'm going to address you all as my Children cause i'm giving you all storys also I will be starting follower of the week and they will get to be in the storys of their choice, starting now with @Pritinderkb24 so guys go follow them and wait for their great cameo.