
I have started rewriting Warlands of Song. Much has changed, including the addition of another POV and I've gone back to a lot of my draft zero characterizations. I have good feelings about this version.


@dydy79 just letting you know I've started to upload it. Thanks for requesting to read it. Hope you like it.


I have started rewriting Warlands of Song. Much has changed, including the addition of another POV and I've gone back to a lot of my draft zero characterizations. I have good feelings about this version.


@dydy79 just letting you know I've started to upload it. Thanks for requesting to read it. Hope you like it.


Finally updated Love on the Scale! Thanks to @Dydy79 for reminding me. After switching laptops my reminders were gone so I forgot about posting it. It's already finished, so the story WILL be completed. Thanks for reading!


@Regal_Maiden Yay! I'll definitely keep an eye out for it :D


@calmingfire I will keep that in mind and try to upload it as soon as I get a cover and stuff in order. 


Will you continue to update Love on the scale?


@Dydy79 Ok Thank you for the updates! 


@Dydy79 Yes! I'm fact I will do that right now. Thank you for reminding me. I've switched laptops so my reminders are gone and I totally forgot about it. 


Hi there,
          I have just finished reading The warlands of song, and wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Thank you for a brilliant read. I loved how believable your characters were.  I spent way more time reading it than I was supposed to.  :-)


@The-Drewster You just made my day. You have no idea. Thank you so much for reading, and even more for telling me how you liked it! It means a lot. I'm in the process of revising it, so I hope you'll be around to see the better versions.


Since finishing The End (soon to be renamed and given a fresh cover), I've taken a small break from fiction writing and instead started a blog. (Link: There, I plan on giving writing advice (whether or not you take it is totally up to you, and possibly doing some writing prompt challenges. I'm excited. I've wanted a blog for some time now, but just worked up the courage to get one. Now to keep it consistent. As you know, consistency is not my strong suit.
          And you may have noticed that I republished Now I Panic. On my journey to take myself less seriously, I put it back up because so many of you enjoyed it (despite how horrible it is) and who am I to deny you a slice of happiness? So the horror will remain posted. For now anyway. 
          But I'm planning another novel soon to come. I don't know if I will upload the entirety here, but I will without a doubt post a few chapters at least. It's so exciting to be working on something new.


I know I am all over the place. Forgive me. But I have re-uploaded The End. Why? Simply put, I took down the book because I thought I had to. But I don't have to. So I put it back up. And it will stay up (I think). My other novel, however, Now I Panic, has been removed for good, because I've never been happy with it and I don't want it representing my current writing anymore. It was horrible, plain and simple. Here's to indecision!


So! Big news! I have uploaded the remaining chapters of The End at once. Why, you ask? One: I'm impatient and wanted you all to read it now instead of scheduling updates, as promised. Two: I want as many people to read it in time for the Watty's as possible. Three: I'm actually going to be removing every chapter after Part 1 when the Watty's are over. Why? Because I want to publish this book one day, and I'll be busy editing it. If everyone reads the entirety here, no one will buy it later. That's my philosophy anyway. But thanks to all who have read to the end, and I hope that it was worth it, even though everything is in first-draft stage and I have a lot of rearranging/explaining to do in the coming revisions. So who knows, one day you might see my name in a bookstore. I can dream, can't I?