A few things!
1. I read a lot when I was younger, and am still a big reader. Learning how other people write really helped me develop my own writing style. I read mostly sci-fi, mystery, and dystopian novels. I think by far reading and learning how words worked/fit together was the biggest thing that helped me.
2. I paid attention in English class, LOL! I would always ask my English teachers for feedback on my work, and take any edits/advice they had to heart.
3. I read all my lines of dialogue, and even entire chapters, out loud to make sure they "sound" right. If it "sounds" wrong, it usually is wrong. Spell check, a thesaurus, and grammar helpers are also my best friends.
4. Practice! I've been working on this story for 3 years now, and I can definitely see an improvement from my latest chapters as compared to my first few chapters. Practice makes perfect, after all!