Möbius Beyond is Officially CANCELLED!!! Or... For now.
You see, I don't exactly know what to do with this series. What I wanted for this series was to take the readers back when Sonic was everything back then, but I fail to do so with how Season 2 turned out, within my opinion not being original, and just being a blatant repeat of SA2's Story.
I know you're probably sad that it's ending, even when Season 3 was supposed to be made, but due to the many other projects that I'm working on, not being interested like I used to be with the series, and seeing how Season 2 wasn't the best written storyline that I thought it would be, it just made it obvious that I couldn't continue like this at all.
But, I did have a planned Johnathan spin-off series based on the Knuckles TV Series, and featuring a few original ideas to build the hype for Season 3, and also having an original storyline for Season 3, while also implementing Sonic Heroes storyline in there. I felt like I could do something with this, but these concepts will unlikely never see the light of day.
But for now, Möbius Beyond is officially cancelled, and will not see the light of day EVER again. Don't ask me to reboot it, because I won't be doing that. I'm done with this series forever. Never again will I touch it. Don't ask me to do so, because I want be listening to realsns why it was a "Great" series when in my opinion it wasn't.
Möbius Beyond is Cancelled. Don't ask anymore.