
First published thing in a long time. Here's 'The Intergalactic Experiment', a short story about an intergalactic experiment. I haven't written any sci fi in ages, man.


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             Saygılarla;YAZARHANEM yönetimi...


New poem, 'What am I When Imprisoned in a Cage?'

          What am I, when imprisoned in a cage?
          That hot gold mask that shines bright and glimmers 
          And soars! But the wretched face burns and fears
          Buried by weight and made hidden and shamed
          That when I rise, they crush and maim
          Impious I, and forge an I made stern
          Without true I, who descending downwards
          Choked by the cold cage, and left I enchained--
          Distanced from the world! And apart from it--
          All seems grey and pale, and deprived of truth
          that I descend to Madness, The True Thing!
          Away from the world, but the lost heart dreads,
          Or his heart? And losing that hold on truth
          must I find I, and what it means to be--


New poem, 'The Fairy Queen',

          'I seek the gentle face at night
          Yet see only darkness and specks
          Seem small to I, strange, and blurry
          So far are the stars' glee to I,
          So proud are the fairy queens' might
          They move the sky and change the tides
          And I, at earth, shrink as lone dreck
          Once capable and peer flurries
          Alone, as the laughing gods fight.'


Published the poem, 'Art',

          Here lies burned bark, since neglected,
          It is chirping, Monarch-fly streams,
          Then turns booming, he darts and flees,
          There lies felled life, dim and weakened
          Like birds, once moving, now halted,
          Their feathers, once soft, now grainy,
          Their crests, rendered flying, sans breeze,
          Within colored displays, painted.
          What is man then, but a rebel,
          Who kills a bird, and claims greater
          Grace in his that moons pale to him?
          Flowers fade not with oil petals,
          And old Nature fades to painters,
          So lies burned bark, now forgotten.