@Pinklywink If you're going to be a ditzy brute to someon, then at least use what little intelligence you have and type properly. Don't go insulting @da_real_jeremy with such bias.
@Pinklywink If you're going to be a ditzy brute to someon, then at least use what little intelligence you have and type properly. Don't go insulting @da_real_jeremy with such bias.
@Pinklywink If you're going to be a ditzy brute to someon, then at least use what little intelligence you have and type properly. Don't go insulting @Da_Real_Jeremy with such unprecedented bias.
@universalflaws PH is awesome?~ I read all of the manga, and have yet to watch the anime. I cried for Xerxes a few chapters before the last one. I won't spoil anything for you unless you ask.