
Guys I need help!!! who should play Katelyn's parents? Or what about Justin and Chris'? 
          	thanks for the help!
          	-love you my pretties!-
          	<3 Reilly Terese


HEY!!!!! OH MY GOSH it's been FOREVER! I'm trying really hard to get you guys some new updates and trying to get you guys those new stories I promised, but I'm having a little trouble choosing and its really hard to write on this crappy kindle but I'm trying my best
          -Love you my prettys!-
          <3 Reilly Terese


Hey I haven't talked to you guys in a while... Or updated for that matter. But I'm just letting you guys know that I've been grounded technically I still am (but I mean we all break the rules now and then) 
          In the mean time I will be starting a new book series called "21st Century  Fairytales". Which will include the classic stories of: 
          The little Mermaid
          Beauty and the Beast 
          Sleeping Beauty 
          Snow White 
          I will also wrote a couple new stories called: "Deal with the Devil" and "Little Miss Goldie Locks" 
          Please stay tuned for updates 


Hey guys!!!!! First of all I just want to thank you so much for desiding that I'm worth your patience and time :) !!!!!!! Also I would like to ask you to check out my other books please.... if you don't mind that is. And I also would like to tell you that I am back from Vacation!!!! And Another update of The Life Of An Average Human and Would You Miss Me... So stay tuned!!! 
          - I love you my pretties! -
          <3 Reilly Terese


Just finished reading bad boys girl!!!! It was amazing hands down!!!!!! I just hope that I will one day be able to write like that! I want to be able to create an amazing escape where you can be fully absorbed by the story!! This book did something that I thought couldn't be done anymore, I used to get so invested in a book that any free time I got I was reading and I would be oblivious to the world around me... These books being the maze runner trilogy, hunger games trilogy, divergent trilogy, the twilight books, the fault in our stars, The fifth wave (which is here on wattpad!!!! IM SO HAPPY ITS ONE OF MY FAV BOOKS ON THE PLANET)  and so many others! I could go on and on but I'm trying to make this as short as possible with getting my point across.