Hey, my name is Rein and I'm currently 16 years old, nice to meet you :D
I like reading, writing, manga, anime, composing (which I'm bad at), drawing (which I'm even worse at), playing guitar and flute (hey I have a mother) and sport.
I'm an avid Mets and an Arsenal fan, though I live nowhere near either London or New York - however I do live somewhere in England.
Hmm, I'm a slight grammar nazi, which is ironic since this is likely littered with errors :D
I'm a music fanatic, I'm probably listening to either;
Young Guns
Mayday Parade
Fall Out Boy
Panic! At The Disco
All American Rejects
Dashboard Confessional, or
All Time Low
right now. I listen to a bunch of others but mainly these :D
One older brother called Ax, and apparently we look the same (black hair, blue eyes) D:
I like being tall, 6'1, and I guess that's it? No! Wait! Books!
Hmm, Anything by John Green or Eoin Colfer. And I don't care if you think that it's girly but, Ballad and Lament by Maggie Stiefvater are awesome books. I'm usually quite picky but I tend I like Detective novels, action novels and generally anything that makes me laugh.
Now, that's all :D
- Připojen/aOctober 13, 2012
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