
There seems to be a racist, homophobic, transphobic prat going around filing fake reports to get people's stories removed if they contain anything that isn't white cis gender heterosexual only.  Several of my stories have been removed due to those fake reports made by a bigot or bigots, quite annoyed at that.


@getbackanime It's quite annoying, it's making me less willing to post anything on the site at this rate


@ReinaHarrietWatt apparently you not the only one i just recently had one of mine get removed for violation of content when it wasn't a problem before....and ive had that story up since easily 2017


There seems to be a racist, homophobic, transphobic prat going around filing fake reports to get people's stories removed if they contain anything that isn't white cis gender heterosexual only.  Several of my stories have been removed due to those fake reports made by a bigot or bigots, quite annoyed at that.


@getbackanime It's quite annoying, it's making me less willing to post anything on the site at this rate


@ReinaHarrietWatt apparently you not the only one i just recently had one of mine get removed for violation of content when it wasn't a problem before....and ive had that story up since easily 2017


Any new stories may take some time, my mum died on Wednesday night so focusing on new stories is hard going at this time.  I miss her deeply and wish she were still alive, that she was healthy.
          So if anyone's waiting for new stories to appear then be patient please, it may take a while before I'm able again.


Sadly no luck with getting anything new written yet again, I'm too stressed to focus on much of anything.  I do have more ideas ready to be written and developing, but no response from my writing skill due to the stress.
          I'll keep trying, might have some luck at some point.


Youth Fall is still being written, the hand written draft is finished so it's now the typing out and refinements to be done.  Normally I would be done by now but with the lack of heat where I live and the pain it causes then I've not been able to get much done.
          As soon as it warms up more than I intend on getting the rest of the story typed out and refined.


@Zekelrain Thank you very much, I'm glad that someone likes them.  It's rare that my work is read and even rarer for someone to comment.  
          I've been working on the Beaumont series since 1998, developing Reina's personality, how she copes with a life forced on her, how she avoids not turning out like her sister and her efforts to find a purpose to her life has taken a lot of work, even though Rena was the first to be developed while Reina took longer since I wanted to create an opposite side to Rena.
          It's also hard to write a female immortal since female immortals are extremely rare in the media, so without anything to turn to as a basis on how to write a female immortal I had to create everything from the ground up in order to make Reina, Rena, Karen and others as unique and original as possible while also creating all of the concepts, the varying differences in universes, the Creators, the Forced Immortal/Jqo Immortal concepts and more.
          Not easy to do, but I keep doing the best I can to ensure that the series and story remains as original and refreshing as possible. 


I have been reading the Beaumont stories and I really like them. How Reina maintains emotional stability is rather interesting and sounds somewhat like something from my own life. I like the sci-fi elements and the prospect of "time-transversal" adds depth. I'm no book reviewer, but these are my thoughts and I think the series is great.


Heya !
          Jamilla Here!
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          You can contact me by replying to this message (click reply, bottom right of this message) or  posting a message on my message board.
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