Okaaaaay... After much consideration, I decided to re-publish my previous work LOVE:TANGIBLE. BUT!!! It won't be publish here because I try to keep this account for myself, away from my hubbyman (a girl need one or to secret to survive, this is my superpower that I hide haha) I will publish it using my friend's coount and she will help me. I won't sign it with my name, and it won't be the same genre as before. I'll make a major change and publish it as a girl and boy story. It'll be all new character but with the same story. I believe the story is mine because I just borrowed the character from the real author of sotus, so I believe I have full rights for the story I just want to share a big laugh just like the book used to in the past. You can read it if you want and you're free to stay away from it. But deep in my heart, I still hope that you can still enjoy it like we used to enjoy it together in the past. Okay, wish me luck. And please if you happen to come across the story, please don't blow my cover in front of my hubbyman. I want to remain mysterious in front of him hahahaha I hope I can see you soon. You'll recognize my style hihi Cheers!

@ReinaSaku that book made me smile and I would enjoy it regardless of the names and gender of the characters. I can't wait to read it again.