Hello everyone! So, I have some very exciting news! I published my very first short story on Amazon! It is called "The Finite Game" and is going to be released on October 31st, 2021. It is currently available for pre-order! The story is a horror/thriller short story. It centers around the protagonist, Hana Chikara, who is thrown into a dangerous game filled with puzzles, challenges, and threats which lurk around every corner. If you like novels with a hint of mystery, a sprinkle of suspense, and just enough horror to leave a shiver running down your spine, then check out "The Finite Game" For anyone interested in checking out the story, here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/Finite-Game-Shadow-Nakamura-ebook/dp/B09JRCR9XY/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Shadow+Nakamura&qid=1634940869&qsid=130-7877974-5140433&sr=8-4&sres=4047277649%2CB07CQ5Z8CQ%2CB07CQ59R4M%2CB09JRCR9XY%2C0367895013%2CB093G2JRJ6%2CB08K4SWP8Z%2CB004CZ7EFS%2C8418222301%2C4403650465%2CB00005RDS6%2CB00MR6QTFU%2C841822214X%2CB073ZBGLJF%2C4403650546%2CB001NTWJ6A

@Rem7777 Congrats friend! I'm looking forward to seeing your writing career flourish!