
Been a minute now... but this just popped into my head, so I penned it before it was gone. Hope you enjoy. Cheers!


hey, it's  been a while. how have you been doing, friend? hope life hasn't got you too down or anything like that. here's just a little reminder that you're an amazing person and deserve so much love! sending smiles your way :))


@RemediesUncaged that's great to hear! i've been alright, thank you :)


@starfall_hysteria Been pretty good over here - hopefully same for you as well. Be great, friend!


heyloo! we haven't talked in quite a long while so i guess i just wanted to pop by and check in :) how are you? hope life's been treating you okay xx


@starfall_hysteria Hey! Hope you are doing well. Life is a little off-kilter due to the virus and politics in the US, but I'm still enjoying every day like it is the last :)


Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to take a look at my poetry/ story? Maybe offer me some feedback?
          Anyway... Thank you for your precious time. :) 


@AMidnightMelancholy sure thing - I look forward to it!


hello there! i was reading some of your work in 'poems...from the heart' and i absolutely loved it! i think you have a really unique writing style that's so descriptive and rich - i really really admire it :) it would mean the world to me if you could check out some of my works too (only if you have time, of course)
          thank you so much, and keep sharing this gift please!! xx


I appreciate the kind words. I’m not sure how my style evolved, but I’ve been told it’s a little unique, so I suppose that’s a good thing. Thanks for the follow/reads/comments. It means a lot to me and I will definitely check out your stuff later this evening when I’m off work. Take care. 