@RennieLiawall hey is their retribution hsall be ours on wattpad cant find it would be awesome if you could help btw ths story you have written is just awesome the level of imagination superb being a teengaer myself i cannot think of coming up with such a superb plot myself. your awesome
@slytherin1br Hey! Do check out my profile if you're interested in Draco Malfoy fics. They're not childhood lovers in my fic but will be great lovers for sure!
@RennieLiawall hey is their retribution hsall be ours on wattpad cant find it would be awesome if you could help btw ths story you have written is just awesome the level of imagination superb being a teengaer myself i cannot think of coming up with such a superb plot myself. your awesome
Hello, I really loved your story with Draco Malfoy and I would like to translate it into Spanish if you allow me, it is a super good story, I loved it in all its aspects ❤️