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So gifted Its all in the presents Excellent picture But the letters all Scrabble Shes trying to alter the message Says he has all type hoes Even when hes with his main He tries to duck the rest Oops Sorry for the typos Says she hasn't been faithful neither Sitting with the main course But so lustful Faith running dry Cause the sides want to meet her Told me one of his appetizers is Tiffany She has a lot of connections too Has 7 But wanna get eight on the side like infinity Says she found some used condom wrappers So she called Reynolds I heard hes a Platinum rapper Claims he plans to finish the meal with a big one So she pulled out her phone Started texting "Big Juan" Reached in his pocket She begins to wonder why He pulled out a ring Shocked *gasp* But so dreadful *sigh* Confessed his love The right moment is Pathetic lie.... Heart wanted to sing Guilt wanted to cry She knew not even Reynolds Would unravel a ring Now shes "happily married" Regretting her past Leading him in a lie Stupid ass bitch Next time Dont assume so fast