
Heya melons! It's been a really long time since I've updated F.L.Y.N.N., and yes, I am very sorry for the lack of updates for the past seven months. I wasn't sure how to proceed with the story, and I was in a bit of a writers block, so-
          	But now! I am back! And up with a new chapter of F.L.Y.N.N.
          	I will try to update at least 1-2 times a week so I can finally finish this book.
          	Enjoy :)


Heya melons! It's been a really long time since I've updated F.L.Y.N.N., and yes, I am very sorry for the lack of updates for the past seven months. I wasn't sure how to proceed with the story, and I was in a bit of a writers block, so-
          But now! I am back! And up with a new chapter of F.L.Y.N.N.
          I will try to update at least 1-2 times a week so I can finally finish this book.
          Enjoy :)


Happy Christmas Eve melons!! And for those who don’t celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays!! :))


@Eloeide Thank you! You have a wonderful holiday!!


@Reona_yrofmonkey04 Happy Holidays to you too ^^! 


Also, I would like to note, that I did mention that this account will be dedicated to my self expression, however I will apply to be featured from time to time, but I don't plan to go on the Wattys in the future (I know it recently passed). 
          I will announce every time I update, however, since I don't plan to update as much, but now that my schedule and mental health are doing aight, I will update once a week :))
          Thanks for your understanding melons!! <3


Heya melons! Soo I have decided that I will bring back IRCAD (It's raining cats and dogs) back but it will be RE-VAMPED and so will Tainted Teardrops (previously known as Blight's Requiem), I will hopefully bring back IRCAD sometime by the end of the year of 2023 since I plan to release it will 5 chapters already revised :))
          Also, I'll be updating Merci, to Jacques soon, so stay tuned!!
          Have a wonderful day/or/night to you melons!


Heya melons! Soo I have decided to update my username...
          I know, I know, I've had the old username of "Karihyp" for so so long...
          But ya know what they say about shedding off old skin... The newly "grown" one (geez, this cheesy catchphrase) will represent ig some "new" rebirth??
          Whether or which it's for rebirth or not, I've decided to change my username and I plan to keep this username the way it is!
          The display name is still the same: Kari P.H.
          But, I decided to add my other pen name; "Reona"
          And the stories that will be labeled under "Kari P.H" are the general, less self-inserted ones... And the other pen name is for stories inspired by my personal experiences :))
          I hope you melons are all safe and well this Fall season!!
          And yeahhh hopefully ur gurl will be back in a week or so!
          I plan to release a new book!!!
          And also, I plan to update either F.L.Y.N.N or Merci, to Jacques in a tad :))
          Until then ~


          Heya melonss! Tis' I, the ruler of melonss (as I so-call "call" myself :p )
          here to lay out the "plan" for my "update" schedule.
          As mentioned in an announcement on: Jul.07, I have taken down the stories on my account that no longer serve a purpose for me to create/update anymore. 
          But, I do want to make it a "goal" to, at the very least, complete: "F.L.Y.N.N" by the end of 2023. The first part of ch.1 of this book was updated on Jun.11, and I do realize it has been well over a month. This was due to university adjustments and other varied things. I plan to update F.L.Y.N.N. at least 1-2 times a month; if other important matters don't pop up.
          Also, if you melons can't tell, I might've (oopsie daisy) gotten a tad off the deep end on the constant quotes/insights on this convo board. Do note that this account and my opinions,insights,advice(s) and even more so, the books that I create are not meant to upset anyone. Rather, they are a result of my self-expression that gives no sh** what the public wants. 
          After all, while my books, in the past, have been featured on some Wattpad profiles, do note that I don't have plans to enter the Wattys, apply to be featured (if not necessary), get into the writing publishing industry, connect on the platform, etc,. 
          This is simply an account dedicated to my self-expression, however it be deemed by others online. However, I do know that many melons online may or may not be following me/or/reading my books b/c of my actual content, so I will, from time to time, address what books are still gonna be here or not on announcement, via convo board.
          Stay safe out there melonss <3
          Thanks for ya'lls' support.