
A new chapter is out! 
          	Apparently, there have been some notification issues going on with Wattpad, so I'm announcing the update here. Thank you to Galm-2 for bringing this to my attention. I hope you all enjoy it!


Hey, I’d suggest making an announcement for your followers that you released a new chapter. Wattpad ben having problems lately where they aren’t announcing new chapters. Only reason I saw you released one was because I just randomly decided to check.


@Galm-2 Thank you for letting me know! I'll get one out right away. 


this message may be offensive
How is this user so be underrated like How the fuck and Why no one knowlage this Talent like bro HOW ?!


@ Retained500  Nah man THANK YOU such being a great writer This Book is way too good for me the twist, The plot Heck even the detail i dont how you do it but you are really deserved to be said a Perfect writer never rush never late always Search more quality than quaintity 


            No matter how big or small that number of reads get, I consider comments from my readers as the best sign that I'm doing something right. So thanks for taking the time to leave your words on my story 