our school held a 2023-24 annual day meet and basically on annual days we will participate in dance performances, songs and prizes will be distributed to the winners in various competitions and also for toppers. I was selected as biology school topper and was invited. I had my expectations very low cause AFAIK there was no such dances, or songs. Simply NO CULTURALS but only one boring drama. Only some older people ie school principal and the chief guest had a tea party rightttt on the stage with everyone just watching... just simply watching! Crowd was so heavy at first and they were all disappointed and began to go home...The prize distribution was at last and there was that religious drama/skit which continued for literally ONE AND A HALF HOURRRR SERIOUSLYYY. Thank God I had a good friend of mine throughout the night beside me. Now every other people began going home :( I went just for the prize and some good food. Then they said THERE AINT NO FOOD FOR US!! I was so frustrated:/ and also....HUNGRYyy :( they held us back for 6 fricking hours with no food and didn't let us go. When we received the prize, the arena was almost empty :/ dad and brother also got home except for my mother....then i recieved my prize,,only some clapped...(like those horrible black oceans that happens in kpop)..all due to the no cultural concept:[
the only good thing was the shield trophy, certificate that the chief guest gave me, that will remain with me forever:)♡ also we met older students , took pictures with them.
Do any other of your schools does this too? Or is it just mine ://?!