Update on things:
Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of news regarding my Jasper book. I'm not 100% sure if I still want to to go through with doing a rewrite. I still may - I'm not taking it off the table entirely - but writing has been a struggle for me recently.
I accidentally burnt myself out on a fanfic, and it's left me with a lot of issues regarding writing consistently.
I would love to make excuses, but frankly, I'm just burnt out, exhausted, and have no desire to write anything outside of the stuff I write with my best friend.
I promise, if I do go through with writing it, I'll post an update so you all know it's finished.
But I'm also considering rewriting it HERE, because for me I feel like my AO3 and what I have on this account act as separate entities. The main issue is I don't really feel comfortable with much of the community here, but that's not because of any of you who send me positive messages.
I hope you understand