this message may be offensive
Love isn't something you can force up on someone (pls don't take this the wrong way) and sometimes love isn't returned. But that's okay, all you have to know is, this isn't your fault. Things like this happen, that's just how life works. I've read your comments, i hope your okay... You fall in love, and there's nothing you or someone else can do about it. So PLEASE I BEG YOU, don't be like this (ugh this sounds so controlling, i apologize)! Your way too much of a good person to be sad about a dipshit like me. You are my first real female friend. I really didn't want to hurt you... But trust me, it would've hurt a lot more if i pretended to return your feelings and you'd find out it was a lie. So take so time, relax, do something fun and just chill a bit. Everything is going to be okay. :]
- your friend, Luna