
Chapter 9 of Shadows has just been uploaded.


Omg, I haven’t logged onto my Wattpad account since about 2015. To everyone who has messaged me, made comments, or anything else like that, I’m so sorry. I can see some of my stories are much loved and I thank all of you. Might start to revisit Wattpad and update/edit stuff haha I wrote much of this when I was only in my teens and I like to think I’m a bit wiser than I was then :p 


MY LOVE FOLLOWERS!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever! I have been in the process of moving house and haven't had internet for weeks now :'( i still don't (my roommate is kindly letting me use the data on their phone for a few minutes) but I have been writing new chapters and will upload them as soon as I get a proper internet connection! I love all of you!!! :D xx


Hey college girl I know you've got a break coming up so don't leave me hanging toooooooo much longer....I will continue to whine till I get a new chapter lol and believe you me that my 9yr old daughter has schooled me on the fine art of whining lol! And as always I hope all is well and right in your world sweety


@AmandaMahfood I'm soooooooo sorry!!! I've just moved house and don't have internet!! My roommate is being a god and letting me use the data on his mobile for a few minutes! I didn't realise how long i'd have to go without internet! I will upload the new chapters as soon as I've got a connection! I promise!!! xx