
Hello, everybody, I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating Join the Fight for a long period of time. I’ve become extremely caught up with school, making writing one of the least of my priorities. I am working out chapters now, and hope to get a few up by Halloween.  Thank you for understanding. Until then,


Hello, everybody, I would like to sincerely apologize for not updating Join the Fight for a long period of time. I’ve become extremely caught up with school, making writing one of the least of my priorities. I am working out chapters now, and hope to get a few up by Halloween.  Thank you for understanding. Until then,


Hey!! Would you mind checking out my featured historical romance book “Daughters of the King”? Thank you so much!!


Sure thing, thank your for suggesting it! Also, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you, I have been crazy busy. I will get to reading it as soon as I have the time to, thank you!