
Hello everyone! 
          	I am still alive and present on this app! 
          	I just had to take a really long break since the past months (you could even say that it’s been close to a year now) haven’t been kind to me.
          	But!!! I still occasionally checked all the comments and votes many of you left on my book - they always made my days so much better.
          	And now I hit 120 followers and on top of that even 2k votes on my one shots book - thank you so so much!
          	I am so grateful for everyone sticking with me during these hard times. I appreciate each one of you❤️
          	PS: stay tuned! A new one shot is coming soon!


@Rexsoka501 Just checking in on ya. If you ever need to rant or someone who will listen just dm me I'll try to respond asap


Hello everyone! 
          I am still alive and present on this app! 
          I just had to take a really long break since the past months (you could even say that it’s been close to a year now) haven’t been kind to me.
          But!!! I still occasionally checked all the comments and votes many of you left on my book - they always made my days so much better.
          And now I hit 120 followers and on top of that even 2k votes on my one shots book - thank you so so much!
          I am so grateful for everyone sticking with me during these hard times. I appreciate each one of you❤️
          PS: stay tuned! A new one shot is coming soon!


@Rexsoka501 Just checking in on ya. If you ever need to rant or someone who will listen just dm me I'll try to respond asap


Hey everyone! So I currently suffer from an unhealthy obsession with Crosshair and to cure it, I need to read more Crosshair stories but I can’t find any new ones anymore. 
          Does anyone know a good Crosshair book? I don’t care whether it’s a normal story or just a bunch of oneshots about this cutie cause I need them now (my obsession is taking over. I don’t know what to do. This can’t be healthy)
          Thank you already in advance. 
          Have a nice day! 


@Rayna_Thompson Thank you so much! I think I already read that one but I have to read it again since it was so good! 


@Rexsoka501 There's a really good Cross one-shot book by RavenLynx07


Heyyy everyone!
          I know that I’m kinda inactive at the moment but I have a hugeee writers block and I need your help.
          I recently published a new book called “Avengers One Shots” and in general I do have some ideas for one shots but I can’t write anything down cause every time I start I have no clue what the hell I’m doing. 
          On top of that I want to have the perfect first one shot for this book but I just can’t find THE one shot idea that I am able to write.
          So here is what beg you to help me with.
          If you are a marvel fan or just know some stuff about it, please let me know some ideas about what I could write. 
          The more specific the better and if possible, it should be all about our favorite hydra experiment Bucky. 
          Thank you all so much in advance! I’d be so happy if you can help me with this problem
          Have a nice day!


@Rexsoka501 of course <33 I can't wait to read it!!!!


@ashleystagram Oh don’t worry. I secretly love the cliche stories! And I absolutely love your ideas. I think I really start with one of these. I already have some ideas about what might happen. Thank you so so much! 


I'm super cliche don't crucify me pls


Huhu, danke für das Hinzufügen. (;


@hobbylos_kiddi Vielen lieben Dank, das freut mich wirklich sehr zu hören. <3


            Kein Ding. Deine Os sind wirklich sehr gut geschrieben und ich lese sie sehr gerne. (;