Will we ever get a resolution to the series? I know you were having issues with wattpad, is it posted elsewhere?
Reading List
Greetings followers...I've had much difficulty in getting this story to post including losing the original description. So if it looks odd, photo as well, that is the reason. On another note, this story will be ending soon, once I determine how to get it out of my jumbled brain....
Will we ever get a resolution to the series? I know you were having issues with wattpad, is it posted elsewhere?
Greetings followers...I've had much difficulty in getting this story to post including losing the original description. So if it looks odd, photo as well, that is the reason. On another note, this story will be ending soon, once I determine how to get it out of my jumbled brain....
Well if I wait for lord knows how long for a certain someone to fulfill my request hell most likely will freeze over...lol....so, with that said the present story I started is a continuation of the Tim and Chance Saga...stay tuned, not quite sure where this one will take us....oh and you're not off the hook yet. Wendy
@ ObsessedwithTidam You're in the Home Free part of Wattpad. I hope you didn't seriously expect patience... Does insatiable Fries sound familiar :-D
@Rhitchco I really was just looking out for her - didn't mean it to sound mean, I've talked to her and know it was all in good humor
@NZHomeFry umm..not that you could see my direct reply to her, she knows where I stand and what I meant but thanks for your concern and watching out for her as well
Hey guys, just published something that was kicking around in my head. It's just a fictional story, not Home Free related, this time. Hope you take a look. Thanks
Can you tell me the order the Tell No one stories should be read in please?
@LisaKing658 Good question☺...Tell No One, Second Chance, New Life, New Life Part 2, Work In Progress...I think...I started these in 2017..Second Chance is the back story to Tell No One, explains Tim's life before Chance joining Home Free and his connection to him...hope that helps
OOPS...I Did It Again
Are there more stories coming cause I really love yours I’ve read 2 of your stories in about 3 to 4 days and now beginning on the last of your trilogy and then the last one of course you are an incredible writer All the love. Xxx
@ObsessedwithTivi I know the feeling, one minute ideas flow the next..gone...I need to get my groove back ☺
@Rhitcho Anticipation is killing me. I haven’t written all week. Can’t really say it’s writer’s block. I just can’t get in the mood.
@caitlyn_saenen Thank you for your kind words. Perhaps something soon. Writers block seems to have hit me, but I find I am lost not writing. We shall see
Arrrrggghhhh...I updated on my computer, finishing my recent chapter. I generally do all my entries from my phone but had the bright idea to write with an actual keyboard for a change. Some can read the whole update, some can not INCLUDING ME....between Facebook, Instagram and now Wattpad the past 24 hrs..I'm done, sooooo done...ugh...sorry, needed to vent
Are you planning on writing anymore Home Free stories? I absolutely loved “Second Chance” and “Tell No One”. So sad when they ended. :(
@ObsessedwithTivi some time down the line, taking a break, but I think I'll be back
RANT..So beyond ticked off with Wattpad..Can't update present story, wrote over an hour on new story only to find it GONE..totally freaking gone..unable to read updates on my phone, getting stupid message that I need to restart the reader (done), go to tablet can read a few portions of updates...WTF...Wattpad get your shit together..ain't none of us got time for this..argh....that is all
@Rhitchco I tried to respond to this last night and it wouldn't even let me do that. A whole chapter is gone for me too.
@Rhitchco I tried to respond to this last night and it wouldn't even let me do that. A whole chapter is gone for me too.
@Rhitchco I totally agree. I had to update "Slave" 3 times before it finally published. This is totally getting ridiculous!!
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