
I’ve made a bunch of Fate haven’t I? You know what Seven Deadly Sins story coming soon.


Are you still alive 


@darkbirdx  I really like your story's like the endless haze and the d4c fairy tail stiry


@darkbirdx Yes. At least in the eyes who reflect my image. Though in darkness aren’t we all dead? Our image not seen and therefore our existence is gone.


Heathen: Oh, what did Soul say to use again?
          (Heathen currently wears a gas mask as well as an almost skin tight radiation suit. In front of him are multiple different chemical structures that are labeled. Heathen seems to be having trouble figuring out what to do with them.)
          Heathen: Ok, so um...
          (Heathen slowly grasps a large beaker labled “FATE” and begins to pour it into a stir pot)
          Heathen: So Fate as the chemical universal basis and then...
          (He once again grasps another beaker with the words “KNIGHT” pouring it in as well as the stir pot let off a pleasing aroma)
          Heathen: Ok so far so, well, not world ending. Now anyways theirs the chemical character basis now what to do... Oh I know! It’d be awesome if maybe the reader character could also bend an element.
          (Heathen grabs a small beaker with a longer label tag however thinking it just extra space he does not move his finger. The label reads “BENDER”)
          Heathen: There! Wait what’s going on? Why is the pot bubbling no!
          (Not thinking Heathen throw in two more chemicals causing it to stop)
          Heathen: This is it, a somewhat crossover.